Roadbook rally in the Weserbergland region

The 22nd Twinduro meeting took place at the TF partner house "Tonenburg" and the castle people celebrated an anniversary.

The Tonenburg in the Weserbergland was once again cleared for storming from 12 to 14 May. As in previous years, shortly after the registration for the 22nd event went open, the word was out: "Castle full!" By Friday evening, the last parking space in the castle courtyard was occupied – all of them with machines in the "touring enduro" category with one, two or more cylinders that romp on our roads and tracks.

This is exactly what around 180 Twindurists set out to do on Saturday, when the task was to explore the Weserbergland region as a team on narrow roads and paths in the course of the traditional roadbook rally. Those who then wanted to stand on the winner's stage on Saturday evening were best off true to the formula "Podium = Grip + Grips". Team "E36" scored most eagerly and thus made it to first place, followed by the "Enduro-Susliks" and team "Die Sieben Zipfel". The sons and daughters of the "Alt-Twinduristen" also took part and "U30" was remarkably represented overall. The "rookies" gave an impressive demonstration to the "oldies" on the roadbook rally that it is possible to place quite far in front even the first time at the castle.

The fact that all generations of Twindurists felt equally at home at Tonenburg was thanks to the tried and tested team of Gesine Kramer and Pete Mackenroth. Already in April, the two were able to celebrate an anniversary with numerous loyal Burgeroberers: ten years of regency at the castle.

From 3 to 5 May 2024, the Twindurists will storm the Tonenburg for the 23rd time. More info at

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